According to storm damage repair experts, EPDM and modified bitumen roofs are two of the most popular commercial roofing materials you can find on the market. After all, they’re not only affordable but they’re also long lasting and aesthetically appealing. However, while they may be popular, long lasting materials, they do experience a few problems every now and then, one of which being roof shrinkage.

Here’s everything you need to know about roof shrinkage.

commercial roofing

Why Does Roof Shrinkage Occur?

Roof shrinkage is a common problem that EPDM and modified bitumen roofs used to experience and usually, it’s the result of three issues: age, poor installation, and UV exposure. However, while roof shrinkage was a huge problem in commercial roofing back then and a modern commercial roof can still experience this issue, experts say that technological advancements in the roofing industry have managed to diminish the likeliness of shrinkage from occurring.

For assistance in dealing with roof shrinkage, simply turn to Your Professional Roofer, the experts to turn to when it comes to installing EPDM and metal roofs in your property.

How to Deal With Roof Shrinkage

Luckily for property owners like you, preventing roof shrinkage can easily be done with the aid of a professional roofer, allowing you to avoid the problems that often accompany it such as leaks or pest infestation. One way you can prevent roof shrinkage from ever occurring is by properly installing the material on your roof. To properly attach modified bitumen, your roofer will lay out the material to relax for 45 minutes and upon installing it, they’ll alter the end laps to ensure it’s properly installed. On an EPDM roof, meanwhile, they’ll have to use ballast or coatings to properly install the material and prevent UV rays from gradually shrinking the membrane.

Need someone to help you maintain your commercial roof? Don’t hesitate to turn to Your Professional Roofer, the leading experts to approach when it comes to residential and industrial roofing services. Give us a call at (636) 866-5660 or fill out our contact form to request an estimate today!

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